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What We Do
Private Practice Manager
Emergency Unit Manager
Theatre Manager

What We Do

Bluespier produces leading edge clinical software solutions for private clinicians, hospitals, emergency units and sporting events.

By understanding the pressures that you are under to deliver an outstanding service that encompasses quality of care and patient safety against tight budgets and constant scrutiny, our systems are designed to enable you to manage your resources efficiently.

We value our customers and work closely with you to produce solutions to support smooth running processes throughout the patient journey, especially in operating theatres. We deliver leading edge clinical software to help you manage the daily challenges that you face in the complex and pressured world of healthcare.

Bluespier systems are continuously evolving to help you to manage the constant changes that you face now and in the future. Our trained customer support team are available to help where advice is needed.


Private Practice Manager

The system supports surgical and medical specialties while retaining the adaptability to suit specific department and individual clinician needs. Its combination of clinical and administrative functions benefits doctors, nurses, secretaries and all other support staff from the moment the system is installed.

Subject to a process of continuous improvement based on user feedback, technology trends, regulatory and reporting requirements, Bluespier Patient Manager remains consistently relevant and responsive to the growing demand for accurate and detailed clinical and administrative data.

Quick and easy set up delivers immediate benefits

Setting up the new system and customising it to reflect the processes and requirements of individual departments and users is straightforward, ensuring work can start quickly after installation, allowing all users to enjoy its many benefits straight away. These benefits include:

  • Complete and detailed patient data throughout the period of care and care pathway.
  • Increased speed in capturing data and generating documents and reports including operation notes, outpatient reports, discharge letters, general patient and correspondence and all other clinical documentation.
  • More efficient processes that ensure patients and GPs are communicated with as quickly as possible and all required clinical data is available to authorized staff when they need it.
  • Increased accuracy and timeliness of all clinical activity with surgical and indication codes automatically generated by the system.
  • Virtually unlimited, detailed data for audit and research that can easily be interrogated using the in-built reporting tool. Bluespier Patient Manager comes pre-loaded with hundreds of clinical assessments including operation notes and dozens of pre- and post-operative severity and mobility scores. Selecting the required assessments is an intuitive process designed around the normal work routine. In addition to the pre-loaded assessments, information can be added using free text or dictation that can be typed into letter or document templates.

Emergency Unit Manager

Bluespier Emergency Unit Manager is the only comprehensive system of its kind designed specifically for the management of Emergency Units. The EU screen gives a real time overview of activity within the unit, making this an invaluable tool to assist both staff and management in the efficient and effective management of patients.

Patient tracking with date and time stamping
Patients are tracked throughout the Emergency Unit, with date and time stamps at each point within the unit. Triage and TEWS scoring assessments are available with colour coding of patients for ease of management. Graphical recording of continuous observations are available to enable quick assessment of trends and warning signs during the care of the patient.

Easy Administration with total access and control over information
Documents, reports, assessments, letters and invoices are quick and easy to generate and retrieve. Much of the information required on documents and correspondence is automatically pre-filled, speeding up their creation. Retrieving information is a matter of a few mouse clicks and puts the user in complete control. WCA claims can be easily reported on as the required forms are already stored on the system. Staff efficiencies can be easily monitored and uniformity of work processes and treatment protocols can be achieved through the use of mandatory fields. The system is highly configurable and can be adapted to suit work processes within individual Emergency Units.

Complete Patient records, including billing
Clinical, administrative and billing information is stored within each patient record. The information is easy to enter and access, ensuring a complete record is available at any time. The patient has one record for life, which allows a complete clinical picture to be seen.

Information accessible anywhere
The system can be accessed securely by authorized staff from any networked location, without physically being in the unit.

Simple process for consistent coding and accurate billing
Coding is pre-loaded and linked to specific clinical terms, diagnoses and patient appointment types, ensuring consistency and completeness. The EU staff need only focus on selecting the most appropriate clinical data relating to a patient and the coding is generated automatically for both the clinical record and billing. The system features an ‘override’ facility allowing codes to be edited or changed as required.

Easy self-audit and researchBluespier Emergency Unit Manager has an easy to use, yet sophisticated, report writing tool that enables management to cross-reference and analyse any data entered into the system. All reports can be exported to Excel for further analysis as required. A full audit trail function is available to track user activity and changes made within the patient record.


Theatre Manager

Bluespier TMS is an intuitive, electronic, real-time theatre management system for hospitals and hospital departments across all specialties, using combined clinical and administrative functionality.

It includes:

  • Theatre scheduling, utilisation and patient tracking
  • Theatre Resource Management
  • Electronic Operation Notes and Coding
  • Can be integrated with other systems

Bluespier theatre manager produces accurate, credible data to all of your clinicians and staff, allowing for collaborative decision making to identify issues and implement changes to result in real improvements for your hospital. The theatre scheduling module is a simple tool enabling you to accurately and precisely record timings and other crucial monitoring information at various stages of the theatre pathway. The system can be integrated with your Trauma Board, providing you with full visibility of all emergencies.

Patient tracking is seen in real time by all relevant clinicians from the anaesthetic room, operating theatre, recovery/post-operative room aids forward planning because all of your staff have a clear view of patient progress and can prepare accordingly. The system accepts your choice of tracking, be it scanner and bar coding or manual data entry and automatically captures each occasion when the patient passes through designated points.

Start and finish times of surgery are recorded in Bluespier for every patient with all relevant data on patient flow which improves scheduling by matching available lists with available clinicians and patient so that your theatre space is optimised for maximum utilisation and prevent booking breaches.