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How It Works
pro one™
pro enterprise™
pro registry™

How It Works

Amplitude is a simple and effective system for use by patients and clinicians to capture PROMs and other outcome related data.

The system is highly automated, allowing for quick and cost effective capturing of pre and post-intervention outcomes and associated clinical data. Data entered by clinician and patient is timely, accurate and easily accessible.

This web based system is highly configurable, with the ability to be used by individual clinicians, groups of clinicians or hospital. Data can be captured regardless of the treatment location and whether the patient is private or NHS.

Amplitude automatically contacts patients to complete their outcome scores, creates work lists for clinicians and generates reports showing trends and outliers.

Data from the system can be used to measure quality, support revalidation, submit to registries and much more.

For clinicians:
You’re put in control of your information, empowering you to assess and improve on the quality of your performance, whilst ensuring timely and accurate patient contribution.

For hospitals:
You have peace of mind that key quality metrics that accurately reflect the quality of service being delivered by your hospital are being captured, ready to publish to the public.


pro one™

Whole practice data

pro one™ enables clinicians to capture whole practice data on all of their patients and all of their interventions, all of the time.

Additionally, all relevant clinical data such as diagnosis, comorbidities and complicating factors can be linked to each PROM, giving a far more meaningful analysis of a clinician’s working practices and subsequent patient outcome.

As the pro one™ process is patient supplied and clinician validated, it also ensures that data captured provides a fair and representative picture of all patients, not just the very happy or very disgruntled.

Control for the clinician

Clinicians are in charge of the entire process, ensuring that they know before anyone else the nature of their own patient outcomes and therefore remaining completely aware of their performance.

With this control, clinicians are not only able to be completely transparent about their data as and when appropriate, but also have the power to protect themselves and their reputation through a more informed evaluation. Clinicians can accurately report on various factors contributing to their outcomes scores, adding contextual analysis to results which, in situations where data about them was not in their charge, may have been unfairly judged.

Giving power back to the clinician gives honesty, integrity and value back to the outcomes data collection process.

Efficient administration processes

Driven by clinical need, practicality and understanding, pro one™ fits neatly into clinicians working practices. It’s intuitive, it’s in their language but most importantly; it’s unquestionably quick and simple.

Automated processes by both the clinician and the patient ensure that minimal administrative input achieves maximum data impact.

Data collected can also be pushed to any current UK registry as standard, further streamlining processes and reducing the need for duplication of data capture processes.

Meaningful reporting for revalidation and audit

Moving beyond merely exporting to Excel, pro one™ has an expertly designed and clinically relevant reporting tool, enabling unlimited amounts of data to be effectively and meaningfully analysed. The process is simple, quick and can be saved and repeated at regular intervals to ensure administration efficiency.

Reports can be customised per user, and are highly effective for revalidation evidence and audit.


pro enterprise™

Control and insight

With pro enterprise™, hospital management can regain complete control and understanding of hospital data, which leads to better insight and clarity into their hospital’s performance.

This incomparable knowledge also allows hospitals to protect themselves, their reputation and their patients where necessary. Management actively have a view of all outcomes performance in real time, allowing them to be proactive and effectively deal with ‘negative performance indicators’.

Healthcare related scandals can be avoided, as with due diligence and accurate data, performance issues can be quickly identified and addressed before becoming an issue for the Trust.

Minimal input, maximum impact

With minimal resources required, hospitals can ensure easy and cost effective tracking of all patient outcomes as part of everyday working practices.

With the ability to interface with PAS and Private Practice systems, pro enterprise™ reduces the current inefficient data capture methods through automated processes that remove the need for duplicate data entry.

The ease of use and simplicity encourages maximum engagement from staff, high compliance from patients and allows outcomes to be a natural extension of a healthcare working environment.

Benchmarking and reporting

Meaningful reporting tools within the pro enterprise™ platform enable Trusts and hospitals to turn raw data into proof of quality of care. Be it to patients or to government, the ability to evidence high standards is increasingly crucial as healthcare becomes more outcomes focused.

The reports also give hospitals the ability to benchmark themselves against internal targets and other providers, to ensure they are constantly aware of service delivery and continually drive for outcomes improvement in relation to their peers.


pro registry™

Specialty specific

Amplitude works closely with specialist societies to understand their particular clinical focus, aims and evaluation requirements. pro registry™ then addresses these by providing a fully customisable, configurable outcomes platform that collects data of value to suit each specialty’s clinical need.

It is not a one size fits all approach, giving each registry the control over what PROMs to collect and what data each patient will capture.

High compliance

With simple, fast and largely automated processes, pro registry™ ensures high compliance from all users that results in meaningful and accurate data. For clinicians; the collection of outcomes is stress free, time efficient and part of everyday working practices. For patients; reminders are timely and online forms are engaging, intuitive and easy to complete.

With the high compliance achievable through pro registry™, simple consolidation of specialty data is achieved in quantities and detail never before possible. This results in meaningful registry data that is highly valuable to its members.

Quality reporting

The reporting tool enables the consolidation of large amounts of data from multiple clinicians, creating meaningful reports for clinicians and societies. These in-depth reports can be used for anything from research into best practice inventions and implants, to providing evidence for grants and funding applications.

The pro registry™ reports can also be used to demonstrate quality and high performance within the specialty, enabling a review of outcomes with substantial statistical power.